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الأحد، 19 فبراير 2017

FAQ: How to install, reinstall, upgrade and activate Windows 10

Most recent overhaul: January 21, 2017. This article has experienced numerous modifications since its first production in late 2014. This substance depends on the latest open arrival of Windows 10, form 1607.] 

This article covers the most widely recognized situations you're probably going to experience when introducing, reinstalling, and initiating Windows 10. 

Is it still conceivable to update a PC to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1? 

Where would I be able to get establishment records for Windows 10? 

What's the latest Windows 10 rendition? 

Will Microsoft consequently overhaul my PC to the most recent arrival of Windows 10? 

Do I require an item key to introduce or reinstall Windows 10? 

How do advanced licenses function? 

To what extent does a Windows 10 overhaul take? 

What's the contrast between Windows 10 and Windows 10 N? 

Could Windows 10 Home be moved up to Windows 10 Star? 

My redesign is finished. Will I erase the setup documents? 

Would it be a good idea for me to redesign or do a clean introduce? 

Can I set up Windows 10 as a major aspect of a double or multi-boot establishment? 

Is it conceivable to uninstall Windows 10? 

Will I introduce Windows 10 in a virtual machine? 

How would I send criticism to Microsoft? 

Is it still conceivable to update a PC to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1? 


Take control of your security in Windows 10 

Take control of your protection in Windows 10 

Where do you adhere to a meaningful boundary on individual protection? The correct choices are diverse for everybody. 

Perused More 

For the principal year after the arrival of Windows 10, Microsoft offered free redesigns utilizing the Get Windows 10 application, which showed up in the taskbar as a notice symbol and in Windows Overhaul. With the finish of the free overhaul offer, the Get Windows 10 application is no longer accessible, and you can't redesign from a more established Windows rendition utilizing Windows Upgrade. 

The uplifting news is that you can in any case move up to Windows 10 on a gadget that has a permit for Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. You'll have to download the establishment documents and run the Setup program from inside Windows or utilize the Overhaul Colleague accessible from Microsoft's availability page. For subtle elements, see "Here's the means by which you can at present get a free Windows 10 overhaul." 

PCs that have a permit to run Windows XP or Windows Vista are not qualified for a free move up to Windows 10. 

Where would I be able to get establishment records for Windows 10? 

In the event that you've assembled another PC or you're introducing Windows 10 in a virtual machine on a Macintosh, you can buy a permit from outsider dealers or from Microsoft itself, by means of the Microsoft Store. Windows 10 Home costs $120, and Windows 10 Professional expenses $200. Contingent upon how you buy, you'll get establishment media (DVD or USB key) or an item key and guidelines for downloading establishment media. 

In the event that you as of now have a Windows 10 item key or you are wanting to reinstall Windows 10 on a machine that as of now has an advanced permit (more on that later), visit the Get Windows 10 page and download the Media Creation Device. This is a free download that makes a bootable USB streak drive or an ISO record that can be mounted straightforwardly or copied to a bootable DVD. 

In the wake of running the Media Creation Apparatus, pick Make establishment media for another PC. As a matter of course, the pre-chosen choices pick the variant that matches the present PC. Clear the check box appeared here on the off chance that you need to pick an alternate form, for example, downloading the x86 form on a 64-bit PC. 

media-creation-apparatus options.jpg 

Clear this container to download a particular Windows 10 rendition. 

The ISO petition for a x86 (32-bit) version is roughly 3 GB in size. The x64 (64-bit) release is conveyed as an ISO document around 4 GB in size. The consolidated installer is a little more than 6 GB in size. 

Engineers and IT aces with a Visual Studio (MSDN) membership can download establishment media in ISO organize from the endorser entry. 

Windows 10 Endeavor versions are accessible through the Volume Authorizing Administration Center. A free 90-day trial version is additionally accessible from the TechNet Assessment Center. 

What's the latest Windows 10 adaptation? 

Microsoft discharged Windows 10 adaptation 1607 to the overall population on August 2, 2016. In the new "Windows as an Administration" improvement plan, that discharge is known as the Present Branch (CB). It supplanted variant 1511, which was discharged on November 12, 2015. 

Business and endeavor clients who have picked to get new discharges in the Present Branch for Business take a shot at a marginally unique timetable, with highlight redesigns (the official name for variant overhauls) being discharged around four months after the CB discharge date. Rendition 1607 was discharged to the CBB on November 29, 2016. 

For a full posting of discharge dates for significant forms, see the official Windows 10 discharge data page. 

Each significant discharge is related with a fabricate number. The July 2015 discharge is assemble 10240. The assemble number of the November 2015 discharge is 10586. Variant 1607 is construct 14393. 

To check which variant of Windows 10 is introduced on a gadget, open Settings > Framework > About. As an option, you can click in the hunt box, sort winver, and see brings about a smaller About Windows discourse box. 

In case you're running a review work as a major aspect of the Windows Insider Program, you'll see an Insider See name after the Windows 10 version, joined by an assemble number that is higher than the most recent discharge adaptation. This framework, for instance, is running a January 2017 see arrival of what Microsoft calls the Makers Redesign, which will in the long run be discharged to the Present Branch in Spring 2017. 

insider-see fabricate info.jpg 

This PC is running a Windows 10 Insider Review assemble. 

Will Microsoft consequently overhaul my PC to the most recent arrival of Windows 10? 

In case you're right now running Windows 7 or 8.1, you won't be offered a move up to Windows 10. 

On the off chance that you are running Windows 10, highlight overhauls (the new, official wording for what were once called redesigns) are conveyed through Windows Upgrade. For gadgets designed to utilize the Present Branch, those overhauls will download and introduce consequently. You can defer the establishment by a couple days however can't put off it inconclusively. 

On frameworks running Windows 10 Master, Venture, or Instruction, you can defer the establishment of another element redesign by moving to the Present Branch for Business. That defers the establishment of a component overhaul, for example, Form 1607 by at least four months. Furthermore, you can utilize Gather Arrangement to postpone include redesigns by an extra time of up to 180 days. (That is a change from Windows 10 form 1511, which permitted deferrals of highlight upgrades by up to eight months.) 

At the point when an element redesign is discharged, it might take half a month or months to take off to the enormous overall introduced base of Windows 10 clients, a procedure Microsoft calls "throttling." 

The Commemoration Upgrade (adaptation 1607) utilizes approximately 3 GB of transmission capacity and plate space. In the event that your PC is running adaptation 1511 (as may be the situation on the off chance that you reestablished it utilizing the producer's recuperation media) and you would prefer not to sit tight for Windows Redesign, you can utilize the Windows 10 Overhaul Collaborator to get the most recent variant. Visit the Windows 10 Download page and snap Overhaul Now to begin the procedure. 

windows10-upgrade now.jpg 

Utilize the Upgrade Right hand to physically download and introduce the most recent element redesign. 

That activity downloads a little installer record that runs a similarity check and after that, accepting the gadget breezes through all similarity tests, starts the full overhaul. The Redesign Associate is a clear wizard that doesn't require specialized information to utilize. 

Do I require an item key to introduce or reinstall Windows 10? 

On the off chance that you update over an appropriately actuated duplicate of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, you needn't bother with an item key and you won't be provoked to enter one. After the redesign is finished, your new duplicate of Windows 10 will be initiated with what Microsoft calls a "computerized permit." 

Ed Bott's 10 most prevalent Windows 10 tip... SEE FULL Exhibition 


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1 - 4 of 10 NEXT 

On the off chance that you are utilizing bootable establishment media to play out a clean introduce on a PC that was beforehand updated and given an advanced permit, you don't have to enter an item key. (When you see the provoke to enter a key, tap the Avoid this progression alternative.) The framework will be initiated after the establishment is finished. 

In the event that you are utilizing bootable establishment media to play out a clean introduce on a PC that has never been moved up to Windows 10 and initiated, you should enter an item key. Starting with assemble 10586, you can enter an item key from a coordinating version of Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1. Inhabitants of the Unified States who don't possess a qualifying Windows permit can skip entering an item key and buy a permit online from the Windows Store after setup is finished. 

How do computerized licenses function? 

When you update over a current, enacted duplicate of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, the Setup program checks the present initiation status. In the event that it decides the establishment is appropriately actuated, it contacts the Microsoft Store and produces a permit testament that is connected to that equipment. (A Microsoft Record is not required for this progression.) 

This programmed actuation process is indistinguishable whether you utilize an ISO document to begin the overhaul or do as such from the downloaded update records. 

After that first actuation is finished, you can play out a clean introduce on that same equipment utilizing Windows 10 establishment media. For whatever length of time that the equipment "unique finger impression" coordinates the past establishment ID, the establishment is enacted consequently. (Microsoft does no

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