Free Statistical Consulting

The Department of Statistics operates a free consulting service for members of the campus community. Advanced graduate students, under faculty supervision, consult by appointment in the fall and spring semesters. We do not run the consulting service during the summer.
Campus researchers — faculty, visiting scholars, staff, and students — are welcome to use our service for statistical advice at any stage of their research, but it is best to come early so that the consultants can be helpful at the design stage. Some problems may be outside our scope; if so, we will not provide service beyond an initial consultation. All consultations are in person -- we do not provide assistance via email or video conferencing.
This service is associated with the course Statistics 272, which may be taken for credit. If you are not a graduate student in the statistics or biostatistics department, you need to get permission of the instructor to take the course. MA students in statistics and biostatistics must add to the waitlist until the instructor approves enrollment in the course.

Schedule a Consultation

Please email us to inquire about consulting services for your project.
  • Send email to:
  • Please put Consultation in the subject line.
  • In the body of your message, please provide a short description (one paragraph to two pages) of your problem.
  • Consulting appointments are for one hour. Appointments for the Fall 2016 semester are available in the following blocks of time (each block of time represents 2 appointment slots):
    • Monday 2-4pm 422 Evans
    • Thursday 1-3pm 422 Evans
    • Friday 3-5 422 Evans
  • No new appointments will be scheduled after December 9th. We may schedule followup appointments the week of December 12 with returning clients, as needed. After that point, no appointments will be available until the service resumes in the Spring semester in 2017.
Note: Questions regarding coursework or homework are handled by the Tutoring service rather than Consulting. Questions regarding the statistics major or courses offered by the statistics department are handled by our Undergraduate Student Services Advisors (see for their contact information)