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الأربعاء، 21 ديسمبر 2016

Does lightning energy suitable for generating electricity ??

?Does lightning energy suitable for generating electricity

Through most of human history, the lightning was the source of horror among humans. Rights and
included in his description of those coming from the sky horrific lightning through several stages frightening phenomenon, passing through the stage of myths and legends, until it reached the stage of Article fertile human imagination and creativity in the field of literary science fiction.
In some Hollywood movies, for example, it is considered a lightning sufficient power for starting cars, designed strange forms since the eighties, to outer space. The writings of the world of comedy also went to the lightning that brings supernatural powers, and then reached the imagination free rein when it touched on some of these writings to imagine that lightning restores the dead to life.
The unthinkable question about the energy in the lightning. It seems that it has been specifically answer this question in the past, but the surprise is that it can not determine the answer quantified.
In his article published location "Mel Online" says associate professor of geological sciences at the University of South Florida, Professor Matthew Pasek, citing the journal 'The Konfarsishn ", he deals with this topic from a new angle, a conclusion over the magnitude of the lightning bolt on the basis of rock the size of which It is made up of her puppies.
He continues, Passaic, saying that one is enough to cast a look at the split a tree in half, to know how strong lightning clearly Vsaakh lightning generate temperatures greater than the sun's surface up to 20 thousand degrees, a temperature, of course, has never been human tested throughout life Humanity.
As the temperature measurement is one of the methods that are used to estimate the energy of lightning, as it takes a certain amount of energy to heat the air to higher temperatures, there is also an alternative way to get to the lightning measuring energy through volt stun account, according to Passaic.
He adds: "Where it properly or it can be an error occurs in the calculation of the amount of gas that has been heated for height or there could be inaccuracies in the measurement of temperature or voltage, or the number of electrons - can not calculate the length of a thunderbolt and therefore these methods may lead to access the results of the very misleading because of the risk of error in any of them. "
Here Passaic raises the question whether there was another way to calculate the lightning energy, which included lowering the risk of error in the calculations. He went on explaining that the answer is no to a large extent in the state of Florida, which accounts for special attention to the geologists, since they enjoy the unique nature of its kind, in addition to being the most state vulnerable to lightning flash among all US states, and also because it spread in the deserts sands and limestone, back to the accumulation of some 15 million years ago, and others are accumulating five million years ago.
He points out that the lightning arrester that hit the sand in Florida heavily resulted in the formation of a new type of rock called lightning rocks or "Volwereit" - a hollow tube, along the path of lightning bolt across Alrml- result of a steaming sand and then melting of external edges of her. When cool sand down the newly formed rock freezes rock hollow tube inside the glass consists.
Also it points out that the analysis and the study of rocks "Alfolwereit" The sand was found that the degree of the hottest sand reached about 1,700 degrees Celsius, in order to turn into molten lava degree heat. And at this temperature, sand melts. And then fused the sand and begin to evaporation only as of 3000 degrees Celsius. These observations led to the conclusion that these changes require displays about one kilogram of sand to about 15 Megajulz of energy for heating and melting, and evaporation, which is equivalent to the amount of energy consumed by an average family in the United States in six hours.
Of course, the study suggested that the energy caused by lightning account can be enough to supply about one billion home lighting for a few millions of seconds. Although this is difficult to take advantage of the energy generated from the lightning bolt at the moment, and also in the near future at least, given the nature of lightning strikes and the inability to predict the occurrence times, the study, according to the Passaic, proved that electricity networks may not benefit from the energy lightning strikes, but the most important interest that have been reached in the light of the study measurements and analyzes which revealed the need to develop ways of protection from lightning strikes and the importance of preparing the best scenarios to cope with the worst conditions.

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