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الاثنين، 12 ديسمبر 2016

What is Solar Energy?

What is Solar Energy?

The most exact Solar Energy definition is essentially: 

Vitality from the sun. 

Be that as it may, what is sun powered vitality truly? There are two sorts of sun powered vitality: 

Warm Energy and Electric Energy 

Warm Energy 

Warm Energy is all around. It's lights up our days. It warms the earth, our bodies and our homes. It dries our garments and gives us create like sun-dried tomatoes. For nothing! 

It's likewise used to warmth water for household utilize or even pools. There are two routes in which water can be warmed: 

1. Effectively, when a customary warming component inside the sun based high temp water framework warms water on hot days. 

2. Inactively, when water is preheated before it is conveyed to the frosty channel of a routine gas/electric water warmer. 

Electric Energy 

Electric Energy utilizes the force of the sun to deliver power through sunlight based cells, also called photovoltaics (PV). It can be connected in three ways: 

1. Remain solitary 

2. Framework associated 

3. Move down 

Remain solitary: additionally called Solar Home System (SHS): 

A framework not associated with the network. As a general rule, these frameworks are introduced in remote zones where there is no utility-provided control, similar to remote occasion houses. 

It is regularly less expensive to introduce a sunlight based vitality framework than lay power links to the site. Abundance vitality can be put away in a battery for use amid times where there is no daylight. 

Matrix associated: 

A framework where utility provided power is associated with the property, yet the proprietors wish to collect perfect, free vitality from the sun. For the most part in a journey to carry on a more supportable, naturally agreeable presence. 

Power is provided firstly from the sunlight based vitality framework, then the associated battery on the off chance that one has been introduced lastly from the lattice if there is still a need.

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المحترف: شروحات برامج مكتوبة ومصورة بالفيديو  | Almohtarif
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